Monday, June 16, 2014

Hijos del Rey (Children of the King)

We began a new program on Sunday afternoons, Hijos del Rey. The last week of May the visiting group from Knoxville went all around the city with information cards telling the community about the program. The Sunday it began, June 1, we started the prep work right after church… Moving pews, cutting circles, practicing skits and writing song lyrics. The helpers were members from the church- including a crew from the youth group. I always love seeing this community come together. Sometimes it’s simple things like 4 men loading huge sacks of rice on the top of a school or 3 men helping put a basket of mangos on another man’s back. But other times it’s even more beautiful because the love of Jesus is evident. While we were preparing, we looked out the church window and realized, “Hum. We’re probably going to have a bunch of kids...” It was a huge struggle to get out the church doors and into the front door of the mission without shutting someone’s fingers in either door. That was an hour before the event was supposed to begin! Once we opened the doors it was crazy! Trying to get some sort of registration process going was pretty smooth-- until we ran out of materials. We had prepared for 100ish niƱos and had 300!! 

WOW! What an opportunity! What an answered prayer from God! We quickly realized 1: we needed a larger space and 2: we needed a lot more help! God provided both for week two. We still meet early to revise the plan and prepare the new location. Again, for me, so exciting to see who was willing to take most of their Sunday afternoon chasing kiddos around! We were able to sing more songs, have activities, give them a snack and have a little room to move.
We begin with singing. Our awesome helpers learning
"I'm all wrapped up, tied up, tangled up in Jesus!"

Then break out into smaller groups for games/crafts.
Working on a hidden picture puzzle.
Our stories were the lost sheep and lost coin.
Sweeping up the lost coins
Sweet Marta answering questions.
Caryn helping make coin crafts.
Making puzzles with one piece missing.
Remind the children that every person is important to God!
Using a ticket reward system
for participation and good behavior,
we give prizes at the end of the day!
Okay. You also have to know when I say “we” I really mean Jonathan and crew. He has a wonderful gift from God for connecting with children. Jonathan also loves them unconditionally and looks for more ways to serve them. He is the spearhead behind Hijos del Rey and has done a wonderful job showing us how to help and jump in. I am so thankful for his experience in children’s ministry and his encouraging presence here in Jinotega.
Jonathan sharing giggles and the love of Jesus with our group from yesterday.
“But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.’” Luke 18:16 

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