Saturday, July 20, 2013

Be Still

July 6-20
Saturday began early, since my built-in alarm clock does not allow me to sleep late. I spent the morning reading, journaling and listening for God’s truth. Thankfully he spoke! I was able to smile and have peace with the passing of Jay because of verses like 1 Corinthians 10:13, Colossians ___, Psalm 18:1-2, Exodus 14:14, Exodus 15:2. Once everyone was up, the cards came out. We spent the rest of the day laughing with friends. It was beautiful.

Sunday’s highlight was bringing Roadie home for the evening. We went to church in Tomango, the same village Kamri and I visited. It was so nice to see the same kids and get to worship with the Ba Edinan and Bina Mbombo. The Zambia Medical Mission team has arrived and is making final plans for the two major outreach clinics in the next two weeks. So we helped the Meritt’s prepare food for Monday’s big meal, like 250 people. After washing potatoes and chopping vegetables, we went to the havens to pick-up one of the kids to take home and to church. I got to bring Roadie home!! It was just a few hours, and he slept most of the time. But it didn’t matter to me! I loved being able to love on him and not be rushed by anything. He looks like he’s grown- even though he hasn’t gained much weight. Rodwell is perfect with his huge, expressive eyes and long fingers.

Monday was a whirlwind of haven tours for the ZMM, serving the meal, and cleaning up. We drove into town to get supplies for distribution. Each week the havens and houses get the supplies delivered that they need for the week, such as millie-mill, oil, meat and milk. We finished distribution and can you guess… played cards :) Our favorite game of hand and foot. It was my night to watch Nelson. I love spending the night with him. He actually slept from about 1 to 7 with the exception of a 4:30 bottle. YAY! Go Nelli!

Tuesday morning was Jay’s burial. While I’m grateful that precious boy doesn’t have to know the hardships of this world, I still walked away from the burial broken. The Haven 2 kids were outside, and Ruben walked right up to me with open arms and said, “CoCo?” I picked him up, and he wouldn’t let me out of his hug. Exactly what I didn’t know I needed. Rubi is such a blessing to me all the time. I held him, cried and prayed that we don’t have to bury anymore. However, at the same time it’s difficult to pray that these kids grow strong because I know life here is just hard. Harder to go to school. Harder to find work. Harder to find daily food. And if they can escape these earthly difficulties then I want them to be in Jesus’ arms… But I also see how much of an impact they can have on the kingdom as a 3 year old and know that God has a plan for each them that involves their own gifts being used for God’s glory. I left the havens and went back home to watch Nelson. After spending the day holding Nelson, I realized I had a fever and a sinus infection and really terrible ear pain. As soon as the girls and Meagan came back from the havens I went to bed praying that Nelli did not get sick!

Wednesday the fever was gone, but I slept until 11! One of the truest signs of me being sick. Obviously I stayed away from the havens and spent the day resting and journaling. That evening, I was feeling SO much better. The other interns had come home from the havens, we were sitting around the den together when the room started spinning. After I realized it wasn’t going away by me being still, Kelly (my trusty nurse!) told me to lie down. Still didn’t help. Then I felt the nausea. And without too much detail ended up getting phernergan shots when the nausea would not let me move an inch- literately. Well while I was getting well aquatinted with the bathroom floor, Meagan and the girls were busy taking care of Nelson and the house. Nelson and Hanna went to the havens. Nelli was doing well enough and his aunties were missing him greatly! Hanna spent the night in the havnes to help with the transition and to stay away from my germs. Kamri was staying clear, as any smart person would. Meagan and Kelly were commandeering major disinfectants! They helped me to a bed, although it felt more like a boat, then cleaned everything.

I woke up Thursday with the world still spinning a little extra but praise the Lord, no nausea! We tried Dramamine to help with the rocking/spinning but no such luck. So I slept a lot and walked with assistance when necessary.

When the world was still rocking and tilting on Friday we knew a few things… 1: it was probably some sort of vertigo. 2: Thankfully, that’s not contagious. 3: I was pure entertainment walking down the hall! I spent part of the afternoon sitting on the porch and it was wonderful. Outside the world is bigger and the spinning slows a lot which helps me not feel like I’m about to fall over. I definitely was not being super active, but I did get to venture out of the house for dinner.  

Over the last week, the vertigo has majorly improved! By Monday I could walk without assistance. There was less spinning each day, by Wednesday basically none. By Saturday, today, the wicked headaches have gone. I still have moments when I move my head quickly or bend down and come up too quickly where I can’t really tell which way is up. However, other than that, feeling all-better. Thank you for the prayers, they worked. We have a God who heals and comforts!

This week has had other adventures (building a house and another overnight village visit that I will share more about later), I just wanted to give you a full update on the vertigo life. My song last week, mainly Friday through Monday, was Be Still and Know. Don’t worry, we sang it twice at church on Sunday night. The lyrics have so much truth to them, and the added irony of vertigo made me stop and listen very closely.

Be still and know that I am God.
I am the Lord, who strengthens thee.
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.
So be still and know that I am God.

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