Wednesday, June 3, 2015

One More Question...

The other question I am asked and wish people would ask more…

¿How can I help?
Well… that’s a great question! I’m so glad y’all asked  :) And can I let you know anyone you ask will tell you something different. We’re all being honest. It’s just we’re all involved in different projects and ministry. So I’ll share my list of dreams or wishes…

  1. We, me, are always in need of prayer! With immersing myself in a new culture, I’m continually learning and often learning through error. Prayer is also needed to simply live out Matthew 6:33… Seek first His Kingdom. I’m fine with that verse when the Kingdom fits into my dream, but when I have to change my desire to seek the Kingdom FIRST, I am hesitant.

    Strength. Love. Patience. Grace. Wisdom. Humility… who can’t use a little more of those attributes of our Savor each day?!
  1. Baseball team. The baseball team that started last summer has grown and improved! These changes are exciting for all the players and coaches… and more parents are involved than before too. With the growth of the team, we are asking for $120 for 5-6 new uniforms. The ones from last year are still in good shape… the team has just grown. We also are looking to upgrade our bases from the polyester grain bags to stronger ones. (Probably $30)
    Saturday mornings are full.
  2. Mobile Library. The library is growing and we are continuing plans to make an actual library system where teachers can come and check out a box of books to take back to their school for a week or two. Then return to the MisiĆ³n to trade the box in for a new one! We need two things to keep this going… Good boxes and more SPANISH books. This box is our dream box! The size is great (holds plenty of books and fits in a crate or on our storage selves), it’s clear (meaning we can label from the inside) and has good handles! So if anyone coming wants to bring one or two of these in a crate as their checked bag, you’d basically be my best friend.
    This exact color may not be available...
    but 27 quart storage container, taller than longer.
  3. COME! Come serve with us and by doing so… encourage us!
    This girl loves to come serve...
    She is flexible and helps wherever she can and talks to the Nicaraguans a lot!
  4. The youth group… Please share any ideas for new leaders of a youth group. The teens here are just like the teens in the states. They’re searching and trying to figure out where they fit in life, school and the church. Pray that we can help them find their value in the Creator and nothing less. If you have any Spanish resources for teenagers, biblical teaching material or teaching teachers, send them our way!
    Kevin, one of our teen leaders,
     shared a lesson Sunday night for our Mother's Day program!
  1. One Child Matters. They are welcoming (and we are asking) for educational toys/games for the child development centers. Our visiting groups often visit and do different small group activities with the children. We try to change these centers often to help the children learn more and so they will not be doing the same thing every week.
    Before this visiting group broke out into centers,
    they sang songs and shared a Bible story with the children.
God is blessing the work here. Praise His Name! With those blessings we ask for continued support through prayer, visits, financial donations and material donations! Thank you for your interest! Thank you for the support! May God continue to provide ways for all of us across the world to serve him!